Mind Your Back / Looking Back’ (2016)


Mind Your Back / Looking Back’ (2016) (Details)


BSO-5(DSCN5079)     BSO-4(DSCN5062)SMALL


Mind Your Back / Looking Back’ (2016) (Installation View)





Mind Your Back / Looking Back’  is the title of an artwork I produced for The British School of Osteopathy.


It formed an addendum or adjunct to their Osteomap conference, April 2016, which investigated and reflected upon innovative use of Mindfulness techniques in conjunction with traditional medical practices.


The work used coloured ‘play paper’ which is light sensitive, cheap and vulnerable, in conjunction with Word software, PDF, software, Google searches and laser-jet printing as its media and process.


The result was a ‘parodic noticeboard’ featuring images and didactic information of a slightly unreliable and sometimes comical kind, but making imaginative connections between physical exercises, therapies, selfie-taking and a history of photography and art related poses and postures.

It also riffed on the concept of ‘back’.