My heart is a flask With an ill-fitting lid
My heart is a flask
With an ill-fitting lid
It brims with tears un-wept
And so I learned
It is the heart that cries
But also the heart
That fears
The heart fears
Among other things
The onset of night
Perhaps because
Tears, like gems
Rare and precious
Are born in dark depths
Then struggle
With all their tiny might
To burst forth
Into the worldly light
Wracking us as they do-so
Wringing out our hurt
Once brought to light
Tears have served their ends
Carrying our pains
In distilled form
Up, out, away
Beyond inner experience
Into the shared realm
Of what we call ‘the world’
There, once cried
They no longer have value
And are hurriedly brushed away
Often leaving
A new sense of self in their wake